Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obedience Classes - Week Three

That's right. We missed Week Two. It's okay, though. We're going to make it up next week after Week Four. Confused? Good.

Last Wednesday (which would have been Week Two), I was sick and we missed class. I left a message for Quinn and she got back to me today, saying we could make up the class at 4:00. Unfortunately, I didn't wake up until 3:30, so that was out. When we got to class, there was a third dog in our group: a little boston terrier named Ava. Mia the shepherd was there, and then there was Curly Joe. There was another girl there, who I think works for Petsmart but was just observing the class? She said Curly Joe had the cutest face she's ever seen on a dog. Quinn said Curly Joe looked like he'd gotten a little bigger. I'm not sure if she meant fat-big or just big-big, but I have been feeding Curly less these days. He's pushing 40 pounds now and getting a bit ... flub. It's all my fault, feeling sorry for him and his messed up liver. I'm like my mom: FIX EVERYTHING WITH FOOD! I'm really good about scraps, though. Curly Joe only gets his l/d. The only time he gets treats is when we're at class.

Anyway. Today we did some loose leash exercises. We took the dogs out into the store and walked with them. When Curly Joe pulled on the leash, I stopped. When he turned back, I would say "let's go" and start walking again. It's really hard for me to do these exercises because I get so nervous in public. My whole life I've tried to blend in with the background. I don't like to be noticed or called attention to. So these classes are as much a challenge for me as they are for Curly Joe. Scratch that. The classes aren't a challenge for him - they're fun. So I'm trying to learn from him and relax and focus on the task at hand, but it's hard. I have such a fear of failure that I often screw up before I even begin.

Curly Joe did okay on the loose leash exercise, though I admit I got flustered and probably didn't do it well enough. Last week's class touched on "sit" and basic behavioral problems. Curly Joe knows sit well enough, so it wasn't anything crucial to moving on to Week Three. Our next exercise today was the "down" position. We didn't say anything, just held the treat up until our dogs sat down and then moved the treat (palm down) slowly to the floor until the dogs lay down. It took Curly Joe a few tries to catch on because he's completely obsessed with Ava.

That's another thing: I will never take Curly to class again without exercising him first. He was so obnoxious, I was embarassed. So next week we're going for a long walk and having a rousing game of fetch before class. Worn Out Curly is much more attentive than Wide Awake Curly.

Next we worked on take it and leave it. Curly Joe caught on pretty quick, though I kind of flubbed the exercise. I blame the ADD. I think I'll be better able to focus on everything when I'm at home and not so self-conscious. I'll go over everything with my sister, too, so that we're all on the same boat in regards to how to deal with Curly and his "indisrections."

Eventually, we're going to get to a point where Curly Joe will heel and walk with his collar lined up with the seam of my pants. Somehow...I can't imagine that ever happening, but that's stinkin' thinkin'. I shouldn't be projecting my own insecurities onto my poor dog. Okay, so he's a bit of a shit, but he's still young enough where we can work on it and get him behaving properly. Dogs love to have something to do; Curly Joe is up for anything. Our goal is not only to have a well-behaved dog, but to have a well-behaved dog capable of passing the canine good citizen test (with the intention of then becoming a therapy dog).

Huh! I just looked for information on the CGC and it turns out Quinn, Curly Joe's (and my) trainer, is an evaluator! I'll have to mention the whole therapy dog thing next week.

After "take it/leave it," Quinn let the dogs play, on-leash at first. I was worried Curly Joe would smash Ava, but her "parents" assured me she could take it. Well, all right then. Quinn let us unleash them and they played well together. Curly Joe got a little too jumpy, but Quinn supervised everything and got into the mix when things got too rambunctious. I felt bad for Mia (the shep) because Curly was so focused on little Ava. I love dogs, but I've never quite gotten the little dog "thing." I like a dog you can wrestle with, not carry around in your purse. Which isn't to say I wouldn't love a dachshund or a pug! Working as a tech, I just saw far too many people with little dogs who treated them like babies, and it really annoyed the hell out of me, especially when the dogs turned into 8-balls because of it.

But I digress.

Week Four next week! Ava's parents and I decided to tack Week Two on right after next week's class. I'll get home around 6 p.m. with plenty of time to feed the animals and get ready for work.

I feel bad leaving the house without Tank, but I'm going to put peanut butter in his Goodie Ship and freeze it so he'll have a nice treat ALL TO HIMSELF while we're out learning how to Be Good. Plus, Auntie Grubby hangs out with him and keeps him happy.

So that concludes Week Three. We've got a lot to learn, but I've got my binder and Quinn's phone number if I have any questions. I'm just proud of myself for following through with this and proud of Curly Joe for being so eager to learn. Tank has been owner protective his entire life, and I was too stupid back then to realize the damage my social anxiety did to my dog. It's a new thing to me to have a dog I can take out in public without worrying about him barking at everyone who stares at him. I wish there was something I could do to help Tank get over that because being scared is a bad thing, and I hate seeing him upset. He's the only joy of my life and I feel like I let him down.

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