Monday, November 24, 2008

Get to the part where you pee!

Last night, we had Early Thanksgiving at my ma's. I don't normally celebrate this holiday (for several reasons), but my mom is going to be in Florida for Christmas, so we kind of threw both holidays together and celebrated early. Plus, she's going to spend Thanksgiving with her friends, eating normal, non-vegan food. (Sis and I, since I have the day off of work, are going to the zoo. I wouldn't normally patronize a zoo because it kills me seeing those beautiful creatures in cages, but it's free on Thanksgiving as a thank you to Portlanders for voting to pass a measure to improve living conditions at the zoo. I really want to see Samudra.)

Anyway, Sis was teasing the dogs by talking to them through an empty paper towel tube, and this is what happened when Curly Joe got too excited:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November Pupdate

Not much to report on the Curly Joe front, except that he has learned how to bark and has taken up the unfortunate hobby of digging holes in the landscaping. See?

He has also learned doggy laughter, which I haven't caught on video yet. I do have some new photos, though:

Hanging out on the front porch with Tank.

Snoozing (with Tank) by the warm and cozy wood-burning stove.

These are a few of my favorite things:

Caught in the act.
Caught in the act

A few seconds after that last picture was taken, Tank taught Curly Joe a thing or two about inappropriate touching.

I'm still looking into puppy classes for the young'un. It's hard to find something to fit my schedule, since I work nights. I'd love to take him to a dog park soon and just let him loose. He has so much energy, it exhausts me just watching him zoom around the yard.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If dogs could vote

No matter who you support, Curly Joe hopes you all went out and voted today. These are amazing times we're living in right now.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

New game.

I got Curly Joe a new toy the other day. It’s made from fire hose material, so I figured it’d be perfect for him. When I got home, I read the reviews and apparently it’s really easy to destroy. So I’ve been keeping an eye on him when he plays with it. So far he seems content to just make it squeak and then thrash it around for a while. The other night, we discovered a new game. It’s called Go Upstairs And Throw The Fire Hose Into The Frontroom And Make Curly Joe Run Up And Down The Stairs For Ten Minutes. He has so much fun, it’s insane. Up and down, up and down, up and down. Meanwhile, Tank is standing there going, “Thank god he stopped chewing on my legs.” Curly hasn’t learned “drop it” yet, but he will eventually. Tank was never into fetch, so this game is fun for me as well. Tank’s more into chewing than he is fetching. He just wants a nice Kong-based toy stuffed with peanut butter to occupy his time. He’s old. His needs are simple.

I worked last night, so I didn’t get to take Curly Joe trick-or-treating.

I’m kidding.

So that was Curly Joe’s first Halloween. Not very exciting, but at least he’s still alive to appreciate it.

P.S. If my sister ever comes back from Chicago with the digital camera, I will post video of Curly playing with his toy. Assuming he hasn't demolished it by then.